Top 3 Cryptocurrencies to invest in 2022

Farah Zehra Bhojani
3 min readMay 26, 2022

The thrill of risking half of your assets can turn you into a millionaire or throw you on the streets. I am talking about cryptocurrency, an investment that will change your future. Cryptocurrency, in easier words, is a digital form of currency. It is used virtually to trade or buy any products. Crypto currency is secured by cryptography to prevent any sham or forgery. There are incredible opportunities for you to invest in cryptocurrencies. But, with more significant opportunities comes bigger risks.

To help you get a better insight, I’ll be sharing my shortlisted top 3 cryptocurrencies to invest in 2022.


Bitcoin is the first-ever cryptocurrency to be released in history. Since then, several other cryptocurrencies have been formed. Bitcoin cryptocurrency is the best cryptocurrency to invest in to make short and long-term profits. You can easily trade and exchange your assets through bitcoin without dwelling on certification.

This is a self-managed currency where you can easily make transactions with little to no fee. Also, with bitcoins, a drop-in currency will not affect your crypto. Certain drawbacks come with dealing with bitcoin. You can never be too sure of the price of your investment. This can either come in your favor or against you. If you sell your shares for less than what you bought them for, this will cause a significant loss.


Ethereum cryptocurrency is the second-best cryptocurrency that is growing increasingly. It is a platform where you can do much more than save a currency. In Ethereum, you can use the currency to create new apps and deal with users in buying and selling your services.

You are in charge of your assets in Ethereum; no third party can interfere.

Ethereum investments include higher market value, ineffective inflation, easy and cheap exchanges, and profitable investments. The Ethereum cryptocurrency price is elevating rapidly and is the second most successful cryptocurrency.

Binance Coin

Choosing binance will not be a disappointment. It is an incredible platform that has been showing exponential growth. With numerous benefits such as a wide array of trade options and supporting services to exchange, earn or transfer cryptocurrencies. Binance coin is indeed the best cryptocurrency.

The worth of the Binance coin is increasing rapidly. It has been noted that the price of a Binance coin has increased by 50%. Binance cryptocurrency has been ranked among the top ten expensive cryptocurrencies in 2022.


Beginning from video calls to the metaverse to cryptocurrency. We are progressing towards advanced dealing and making this world a more accessible and intriguing place to live in. As we are getting aware of such powerful and extraordinary technology, people are experimenting with it differently. By using our guide, you can change your life with proper planning and a daring heart.

